“Gibanica” Rhubarb Cake
This is my version of the traditional Slovenian cake “Gibanica”, made from cottage cheese, apples, poppy seeds and walnuts, and differs from its original version in that it contains rhubarb instead of apples, ghee butter, a molasses sugar, cream and some small details. It is very well served with desert white wine.
roll the dough (extremely thin) divided it to 6 layers.
Place baking paper in a baking dish or oil it. At the beginning, put 2 layers of dough and spread the first filling along surface. Then cover with the other two layers and spill over the cooking cream. Spread the second filling along surface and cover by two additional layers, spill over the cooking cream. Again, spread the third filling along surface, cover by two additional layers, and spill over the cooking cream and repeat all with the last filling.

Servings: 4-8
Prep Time: 45 min
Total Time: 1h 30 min
Prep Time: 45 min
Total Time: 1h 30 min
Related Categories: Dessert,
For the dough (You can also use store-bought filo pastry): 3 tablespoons lukewarm water 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon sugar. 2 tablespoon ghee butter For the first (cottage cheese) filling: 500 g cottage cheese 3 tablespoons rum 1 egg 1 1/2 US cup sour cream 200 g molasses sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar to taste For the second (poppy seed) filling: 1 cup hot milk 400 g poppy seeds 200 g molasses sugar For the third (rhubarb) filling: 500 g chopped rhubarb 200 g molasses sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice cinnamon to taste For the last (walnut) filling: 500 g ground walnuts 200 g molasses sugar 3 tablespoons cream