Fruit Puff Pancake Recipe
Soak dried bananas in rum and sweet cream for 1 hour. Mix together the ingredients for a dough-like to prepare a dough for pancakes. Add dried bananas, berries and crumbled white chocolate to the mixture than pour it into the baking pie bake until it's crispy brown. Meanwhile, prepare the chocolate glaze; cook chocolate with cocoa butter on low heat. When the dough is baked, pour on a chocolate glaze and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Servings: 4-6
Prep Time: 20 min
Total Time: 50 min
Prep Time: 20 min
Total Time: 50 min
Related Categories: Dessert,
For the dough: 1 liter milk 2 eggs 1 cup spelled flour pinch of salt ½ cup sparkling water cocoa powder 5 tbsp. rum ½ cup whipping cream Pinches of brown sugar Additional ingredients: 20 g white chocolate for cooking ½ cup dried bananas 5 tbsp. rum ½ cup whipping cream ½ cup raspberries or other berries 20 g of dark chocolate for cooking 5 tbsp. coconut butter