Mini pork skewers with sour cherries
This dish is a great appetizer and is very well combined with toasted bread.
prick pork strips - one by one with a toothpick and place them in a bowl. Make a marinade of sesame oil, mustard, lemon juice, 2 tablespoons cream, brown sugar, spices and pour over the meat. Allow to stand for a few minutes. Fry the onion and garlic with ghee butter in a pan. When the onion is golden, add the meat, the rest of the marinade save it for later. When the meat is fried, keep adding a little water and stew for a few minutes. In the end, add the rest of the marinade and stew again. Sprinkle with spelled flour - to thicken and stir. Finally, add a tablespoon of cream and cherries. (previously, wash well the sour cherries with water ).

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 20 min
Total Time: 45 min
Prep Time: 20 min
Total Time: 45 min
Related Categories: Appetizers,
1/2 kg pork cut into strips, sesame oil, 2 tablespoons mustard, juice of one lemon, 3 tablespoons cream, white pepper and salt to taste, one teaspoon of brown sugar, 3 large onions, 3 garlic, 1 tablespoon ghee butter, 1 tablespoon spelled flour, 3 tablespoons of sour cherries – from compote.