Calabrian Style Pork Ribs
Calabrians like to preserve their vegetables in oil to be used throughout the year. We use some uses some of those vegetables preserved in oil in a Yummy sauce for spare ribs. This recipe can be changed to suit all tastes. If you like it a bit spicy, you can add in a hot, mixed vegetable antipasto mix, or you could use some preserved vegetable in oil without the peppers. Roast your meat slowly so it falls off the bone.

Servings: 4-6
Prep Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 3 hrs
Prep Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 3 hrs
Related Categories: Meats,
2 Cups Canned, Chopped Tomatoes (Or Tomato Puree) 3 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Basil 1/2 Cup Mushrooms Preserved In Oil, Finely Chopped 1/2 Cup Artichokes Preserved In Oil, Finely Chopped 1/2 Cup Mixed Hot Vegetable Antipasto, Finely Chopped (Optional) 2 Slabs Lean Pork ribs Salt & Pepper