Cauliflower Soup With Orzo & Shrimp Salad
At first I had planned to make a whole-baked cauliflower “Mornay“, but then I decided to prepare something a bit more exiting and I came up with this Beauty :-)
I actually had it twice –
The first time, (inside, with the a/c blazing as usual) freshly prepared, with the slightly warm salad added to the piping hot soup .
The second time, (outside on the porch in the hot sun) both salad and soup chilled and refreshing.
Both versions were very tasty and satisfying, absolutely fit to be added to my list of all time-favorite soups.
Note: In order to be perfect, the soup must be blended until perfectly smooth and silky.
Bon Appetit ! Life is Good !

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Related Categories: Italian, Latin Food, Salads, Soups,
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