Steak Tartare
Steak Tartare unfortunately, nowadays it seems that this classic dish is shunned by most people, even if they never tried it. The obvious reasons are health concerns and the thought of eating a pile of raw meat, even when most folks don’t think twice of eating a rare cooked steak or burger.
The truth is, it can be very dangerous to eat any food raw if it is not properly sourced and handled.
Therefore, I suggest to eat Steak Tartare only at a place which you can fully trust of impeccable food-safety procedures and an absolutely trustworthy food-source. I personally also eat only Steak Tartare from grass-fed, all organic beef, using only organic, cage free chicken eggs.
But then, when you can be absolutely sure of the proper, safe ingredients, Steak Tartare is a true marvel of classic cuisine.

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