Loaf Cake
Grease and line your loaf tin, and preheat the oven to 170C/fan 150C/gas 5. Use a cup to measure the ingredients (I use my small measuring jug featured in the photograph.)
Pour the All bran and milk into a bowl. Leave the All Bran to soak up the milk (about 5-10 mins.)Add the self raising flour and sugar to your mixture and stir.Cut up your dried fruit (if using prunes and apricots) and dust with some of the self raising flour. Add the fruit to your mixture and stir.
The mixture should be thick and gloopy, if it isn't you may wish to add a bit more milk. Transfer the mixture to your loaf tin and put in the oven for 1 hr -1 hr 30 mins. Check on the loaf after 1 hr by putting a knife through the middle, if it comes out clean the loaf is cooked, if not leave it in a little longer.

Servings: 8
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Prep Time:
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Related Categories: Dessert,
• 1 cup All Bran • 1 cup Milk • 1 cup Self raising flour • 1 cup Mixed Dried Fruit (I tend to use Apricots and Prunes for a juicier cake) & Almonds (if desired) • 1/2 cup or 1 cup Soft brown sugar (depending on desired sweetness)