Xoirini tigania me Haloumi(Veal in lemon sauce wirh Haloumi cheese)
A marvellous recipe,that every restaurant owner in Greece have a different point of view.Tigania is one of the most special dishes in Greece as it perfectly goes along with ouzo,beer or wine in sunny days,after work!
•Cut the tender loin and the cheese in small cubes.Cheese has to have a size of a dice and meat like walnut.
•Mince the onion,chop the garlic and dill.
•Squeeze the lemons and get the juice(without cores).
•In a frying pan,place the olive oil and let it heat in high fire.
•Add the meat and saute very well,then place onion and garlic.
•When meat is getting dark enough,quench with the wine and let it '' drink '' it.Then,straight add the lemon juice.
•When a small amount of sauce is in the pan,season with salt and pepper and a minute before serving add the chopped dill and haloumi cubes.
Be sure that you have a great cold beer to make a great company to this....lonely dish!
Bon Appetite!

Servings: 2
Prep Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 26 minutes
Prep Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 26 minutes
Related Categories: Meats,
•400 gr tenderloin •1 small red onion •1 garlic clove •2 lemons •salt,pepper to taste •150 gr haloumi cheese from Cyprus •80 ml white wine •60 ml olive oil •1/6 bunch dill
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