Greek fried Keftedakia(meatballs) and potatoes with 2-minutes Tzatziki sauce.
First of all you have to wash and cut everything that has to.
Peel the onion and wash it very well.
Then,wash the fresh parsley and mint and dry them in a towel.
Peel the skin from the garlic and leave them aside.
In a bowl where you can blend with the beamer,place the mint,parsley,olive oil,ouzo,onion,mustard,salt pepper and
oregano.Beam for a second and add the garlic,then blend again until combine everything.
In a bowl place the meat and add the blended materials.
mash with your hands until you get a perfect fluffy mix.
With your hands,grab a small amount of mix and try to mold it in small balls(about 50 gr each)
Then place the flour in a platter and do barrel rolls to the meatballs!
In a frying pan pour the sunflower oil,heat up the kitchen.
When oil is hot,fry the floured meatballs until they get golden.
Drain in a towel and leave it aside.
Wash and peel the potatoes.
Cut it like French fries.When cutting in a random shape and toping with oregano and salt
after frying they are called Greek fried potatoes.
Drain well and leave no water on the cutted potatoes.
Heat up the oil in a pan and fry until the potatoes get golden and crispy.
When frying process ends,remove the potatoes from the pan and drain them in a dish with some
Top with herbs(oregano or whatever you like) and salt.
Add the materials in a tall bowl with garlic and cucumber cutted in smaller pieces
and dill like chopped.
With the Beamer beam it until it gets combined.
Check if you need to add extra salt and pepper!

Servings: 2
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 60 minutes
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 60 minutes
Related Categories: Meats,
For the meatballs: 250 gr minced meat(mixed in half of:pork,beef) fresh mint:3 tbsp fresh parsley:3 tbsp olive oil:a shot(45 gr) ouzo:a shot breadcrumbs:2 tbsp 1 red onion mustard:1 tbsp A pinch of salt,pepper,oregano 2 garlic cloves 300 ml sunflower oil for frying 100 gr all purpose flour. For the potatoes: 1 big fresh potato 300 ml sunflower oil for frying A pinch of salt and oregano to taste For the Tzatziki: 200 gr yoghurt 1/4 of a whole cucumber 2 garlic cloves 1 shot of olive oil 20 gr dill A pinch of salt and pepper to taste