Beef Liver Omelette
Can you think of a great and really quick snack that contains meat and eggs? Yes,exactly,it is an omelette.Have you tried to add liver?Try it out for a spicy and different result
•In a nonstick pan,add the olive oil over high heat.
•Saute the onions(red and fresh) and add the liver.
•In a bowl beat the eggs along with a pinch of salt and pepper.
•In the pan,add the parsley and pistachio and pour the beaten eggs.
•Cook like a classic omelette (from both sides until a little bit brown color to be achieved).
•Garnish as simple with the tomato rolls to keep some sogginess in the dish.
Good luck,but i actually think you will not need it!!!

Servings: 1
Prep Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 16 minutes
Prep Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 16 minutes
Related Categories: European,
•2 eggs •100 gr liver(blanced and chopped,or in slices) •1/2 of a red onion,chopped finely •3 tomato slices •1 fresh onion,in thin rolls •30 ml olive oil(about 3 tbsp) •a pinch of grated with hands pistachio •salt and pepper to taste •10 gr minced parsley